When Israel murdered 5 Egyptian police officers inside Egypt, its citizens demanded the expulsion of Israel's ambassador. Egypt's rulers were hesitant and did not act. Instead, Egypt's military council built a prefab concrete wall designed to protect Israel's embassy. This further enraged Egyptians who see the wall as a symbol of apartheid, a reminder of the separation wall on Palestine's West Bank which remains an emblem of injustice. It also invokes the humiliating peace treaty between Israel and Egypt, a degrading piece of legacy of rewarding the aggressor and the unjust.
So, they, the demonstrators took it upon themselves to force the ambassador and its staff to flee. This is people's power, the very source of authority that makes extraordinary things happen. Israel fears another intifada, it got hurt in Lebanon twice over and it failed to break the people of Gaza. The Arab Spring may well turn out to be its worst nightmare. What dark and dirty secrets lie in those Cairo embassy papers?
The US is scrambling clutching at citing the Vienna Conventions to protect Israel's interests in Cairo. How hypocritical can one get to flaunt the Geneva Conventions when it was convenient to do so to prolong the torture and torment of Guantanamo, rendition and "black sites" detainees. Israel is now a pariah state and the world would want no part or company with it except for US-Old Europe lobbyists and political expediency.