Sunday, April 8, 2012

DUBAI'S fear of Freedom

Dubai' police chief Dahi Khalfan's row with the Muslim Brotherhood broke out after the UAE decided not to renew residence permits of Syrians who had taken part in protests in Dubai against the rule of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The move was criticised by an Professor Qaradawi in Qatar, who also denounced the move to pull citizenship from Emirati Islamists.

Khalfan lashed out at Qaradawi, threatening to arrest him if he set foot in Dubai, and on Tuesday said the Brotherhood was plotting to seize power in Gulf countries. "Western intelligence services leaked to me a piece of information that says that between 2012 and 2016 the (Muslim Brotherhood) aims at creating governments in the Gulf that pay allegiance to them," he told reporters. He said those who compare the UAE government to Egypt and Tunisia under autocratic rule should be prosecuted.

"They demand the ruler should be from amongst the people. Did we bring ours from Mars?" he said.


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