Thursday, September 13, 2012

Sam Bacile, Innocence of Muslims and Steven Klein

Sam Bacile, "Innocence of Muslims" and Steven Klein

by Visualarts101      WED SEP 12, 2012 AT 12:22 PM PDT

So parts of the Islamic world flew into a rage on 911 over the sudden but year long revelation of an obscure film made a year ago.  The film, entitled "The Innocence of Muslims" was supposedly made by a Jewish/Israeli real estate mogul/developer in CA by the name of Sam Bacile.  "Sam" or a man claiming to be "Sam" gave an interview yesterday with the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) making a number of claims, claims which triggered my bullshit meter.   Naturally I had some questions and here they are with a few answers.

Please feel free to ask your own questions, encourage others to as well, and dig deeper for answers.

Claim:   There is someone named "Sam Bacile."
Answer:               There is a YouTube Video of with a clip from the movie that was uploaded by a user named "Sam Bacile."

Claim:   In an interview with WSJ and picked up by AP along with hundreds of other news outlets, "Sam Bacile" claims to be a CA real estate mogul/developer.
Answer:               Doing a google search, I can't find anyone by that name, CA or otherwise.  This might be because I am a bad searcher, someone else might find what I can't, but calling a few attorney friends I know who deal in real estate, etc, none knew of him off the bat.

Claim:   The movie was made with a budget of $5 million dollars and a production crew of 45 people.
Answer:               Internet Movie Database (IMDB) lists productions as well as credits.  There is no one named Sam Bacile in any capacity, no movie listed as "Innocence of Muslims."  If one is willing to risk losing brain cells, go to youtube and look at the clips from this movie and tell me if you think this was a $5 million dollar budget film.   My guess is that it was made for $5000 and a production crew of writer/director, a videographer/lighting person and editor.

Claim:   The movie was shown in a movie theatre in Hollywood last year.
Answer:               Really? Which one?  Was it a real theatre or was it a rented hall space with chairs set up.  If it was shown in a real movie house, which one was it? And how did someone without a distribution deal get it shown?  If they rented an independent theater for the night, who was it that put the money up, or negotiated the deal? 

Claim:   "Sam Bacile" during his several interviews with MainStream Media (MSM) yesterday claimed to be 52 and 56 years old, a Jewish American/Israeli Citizen.
Answer:               You would think someone knows how old they are, giving 2 different ages in separate interviews raises suspicions.  Who knows if this "Sam Bacile" is actually Jewish or not, but Israeli sources were quick to point out that they don't know of a "Sam Bacile" as an Israeli citizen.

Claim:                   In his WSJ interview "Sam" claimed that his film was produced with the help of 100 Jewish donors.
Answer:               Hmmmm.  First off, anyone in Hollywood knows that getting backers to produce a film is hard.  100 people is a lot of people unless by donors "Sam" is meaning people who donated $20.   Finding out who these supposed Jewish donors are is going to be as successful as finding out all the shadow donors are to PACS after Citizens United or getting a hold of Mitt Romney's taxes, but isn't curious that all the donors identified were supposedly Jewish?   B.......t meter set to high.

So what we have SO FAR, is a man who is claiming to be a Jewish American Israeli citizen real estate mogul film maker who with the support of 100 Jewish donors and a $5 million dollar budget produces a crap film that shows on YouTube but was supposedly shown in a theatre as well.  Uh huh.

What we DO know is that there IS a "consultant" to the film by the name of Steven Klein.   Now Steven Klein, unlike Sam Bacile is actually traceable.   Here's a photo of the guy.

Steven Klein

Notice the copyright on the photo?  Courageous Christians United.  Steven Klein is listed as the CEO as well as founder for the group.  And what is the purpose of the group and who is Steven Klein?

Courageous Christians United can be found on the web and they apparently run anti-Islam, anti-Catholic as well as anti-Mormon sites. 

But there is more to Steven Klein.  He's been active in protesting the construction of mosques in the Southern CA area...

More than 100 Chaparral High School students received fliers Friday afternoon from a group opposed to plans for the construction of a mosque in Nicolas Valley, a rural community in the northeast corner of Temecula.

The other flier said students are being subjected to "serious brainwashing," and it urged students to "exercise your First Amendment rights to be well informed" and visit websites, including one that purported to show an Arab terrorist....

The group handing out the fliers included Steve Klein, a San Jacinto man who has staged similar events in Southern California; Jim Horn, a Menifee-based author, and Ernie White, a Temecula resident who has spoken out against the planned mosque at public meetings

Southern Poverty Law Center has a report in which Steven Klein is listed

In a 22-acre compound at the southern edge of Sequoia National Park in California, a secretive cohort of militant Christian fundamentalists is preparing for war. One of the men helping train the flock in the art of combat, a former Marine named Steve Klein, believes that California is riddled with Muslim Brotherhood sleeper cells “who are awaiting the trigger date and will begin randomly killing as many of us as they can.”
“I know I’m getting prepared to shoot back,” Klein says.

At the head of the Church at Kaweah is Pastor Warren Mark Campbell, who sees yet another enemy on the horizon: the “New World Order,” that chimera of the conspiracists who populate the resurgent, antigovernment “Patriot” movement.

From this in depth report from the SPC there is some alarming information on Steven Klein:

Over the past year, Johnson and the church militia have developed a relationship with Steve Klein, a longtime religious-right activist who brags about having led a “hunter killer” team as a Marine in Vietnam. Klein, who calls Islam a “crazed religion” and thinks Los Angeles Sheriff Lee Baca is a Muslim Brotherhood patsy, is allied with Christian activist groups across California. In 2011, as head of the Concerned Citizens for the First Amendment, he worked with the Vista, Calif.-based Christian Anti-Defamation Commission on a campaign to “arm” students with the “truth about Islam and Muhammad” — mainly by leafleting high schools with literature depicting the Prophet Mohammed in an insulting manner.

Klein, based in Hemet, Calif., has been active in extremist movements for decades. In 1977, he founded Courageous Christians United, which now conducts “respectful confrontations” outside of abortion clinics, Mormon temples and mosques. Klein also has ties to the Minuteman movement. In 2007, he sued the city of San Clemente for ordering him to stop leafleting cars with pamphlets opposing illegal immigration.

In addition to working with Johnson and the Church at Kaweah’s militia, Klein conducts drills with the Christian Guardians, a San Francisco-based group headed by Andrew Saqib James, an American-born Pakistani Christian who calls Islam “a giant crime syndicate” and hopes his group will become “the most feared militia in the world.” For the past year, the Church at Kaweah’s website has advertised joint trainings with the Christian Guardians and other likeminded groups. Based at the church’s sprawling grounds, the series of trainings is described as a “unique system of learning how to survive the Muslim Brotherhood as we teach the Christian Morality of Biblical Warfare.”

So maybe who is really behind the "Innocence of Muslims" aren't Jewish donors, an Israeli citizen, but really a militant, Christian militia group looking to stir up violence in pursuit of their stated goals.  A holy war between Christians, Jews and Muslims.

Maybe in the interests of getting the story published first, the MSM and by that I mean the WSJ and AP got punked by these guys posing as "Sam Bacile."

There  are more questions, more coincidences that make my b......t meter go off as well.  How did this low budget English speaking production get translated into Arabic?

How did protests for this film  explode on 911?  What incited it? WHO incited it?

Hopefully, some investigative journalists start looking into these questions more deeply.

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